Showreels retrospective - part 3

Today I'm finishing my little restrospective of showreels. This one from 2008 differs from the older ones in a way that it shows for the first time what I've learned about putting a demoreel together by then. I believe it was even included with one of a Computer Arts magazine's issues.

Demoreel retrospective part 3 of 3 - 2008 from Denis Kozlov on Vimeo.

Compared to the previous one, it is shorter, better structured and unified, with contact data (not valid by now except for email) clearly stated at both ends. Sure thing it helped a lot to have a couple of feature films I had worked on premiered, so I could eventually include those shots. But interestingly enough, those shots already existed when working on 2007 reel – overall, skillwise I was a lot the same person. Still it is hard not to spot the difference (a big one being that I am still not ashamed of this video).

If curious, you can find details about the particular shots in the breakdown.

Music: Jeff Beck - Grease Monkey

That's it – next week the plan is to finally release a new 2013 demoreel – the current one.

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